Mini-Maker Grant a Rousing Success!

As its largest grant to date to the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District, the $19,000 grant to Rebecca McClelland-Crawley and Russell Wray to purchase Makey Makey boards and littleBits Classroom Kits for every 4th grade class in the district has been a rousing success!

Allowing the 4th grade students to get hands-on experiences with electronic circuits as part of the electricity and magnetism unit in the science curriculum, the grant has shown the importance of providing experiential learning to the district students.

The program has received national attention, with a case study on the littleBits website and an appearance by our students at Digital Learning Day in Washington, DC – the only school group in the country to appear!

Congratulations to Rebecca and Russell for their innovative grant!

Please see a video about this grant that Russell presented to the Board of Education at